Portal 1: Geography. The Earth and tthe universe.
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY: the branch of geography that deals with the natural features of the planet (mountains, coasts, fauna…) and the elements that act on and affect it, such as climate and currents.
HUMAN GEOGRAPHY: the branch of geography that deals with the study of the different people of the world, their communities and cultures, and their relations across space and place. This branch covers a range of areas including health, economics, politics and development.
REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY: the branch of geography that involves identifying and defining the different regions (for example: countries, provinces…) of the world and studying their unique characteristics, such as their human and natural elements.
The planet Earth and the universe
History of the Earth in 5 1/2 minutes
Inside the Earth
Geographic Coordinate Systems
The geographic coordinate system
The Earth's movements: rotation and revolution
Rotation and Revolution of Earth
How to make a Mind Map
Representation of the Earth: cartography
Earth Representations (Geographic Grid, Mapping, Projections)